Category Archives: News

Sistemas Genómicos will sponsore a symposium at the next Congress of the AEGH in Madrid.

Sistemas Genómicos Gold Sponsor of the next Congress AEGH Madrid, is pleased to invite you [...]

A valencian company implements a technique to analyze the DNA of sperm

The Valencian company Genome Systems has implemented an analysis technique that uses a novel microscopic [...]

Sistemas Genómicos in the journal JANO

The Valencian company Sistemas Genómicos implements a method of analysis to analyze more than 10,000 [...]

Diario Médico: Genetic Diagnosis Today, by Javier Benitez.

“Gene panels have to be incorporated into clinical practice because they represent great savings in [...]

Sistemas Genómicos launches Genesys, an innovative tool for analysis and interpretation of NGS

Sistemas Genomicos offers its customers GeneSys, an innovative platform that allows a comprehensive analysis of [...]

Brussels calls for DNA tests on beef meat from all EU countries

The European Commission proposes to require all Member States of the European Union (EU) carrying [...]

A group of scientists, including Sistemas Genomicos, check the ‘DNA’ of the olive

The study, published in the scientific journal DNA Research Advance Access under ‘assembly and functional [...]

Quiron Hospital of Valencia and Sistemas Genómicos will work together in the early diagnosis of melanoma.

Quiron Hospital of Valencia will offer their patients an innovative test for early diagnosis of [...]

Newsletter of the VENOMICS project

Find attached the first issue of VENOME NEWS, the newsletter of the VENOMICS project. As [...]

Our clients are our guarantee

“High-Throughput Sequencing of microRNAs in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: Identification of Potential Weight Loss Biomarkers” [...]